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Do you want to calm the chaos in your life?

Solving some of your chaos, can only lead to one thing... more joy and calm! 

Allow your life to have the calm and peace you have always wanted while being able to be happy yourself too! 

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Nourish Your Body

Align Your Life

Refocus Your Connection

What if you decide to wait?

The overwhelm of life could continue, the lack of alignment can make you feel stuck, relationships could continue to feel strained and stress and chaos will get louder.  It is up to you on what you want to make a priority or not. 

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Calm Your Life

This aspect of the program focuses on prioritizing meal planning and well-being. Including meal planning framework, self-care, and overall wellness practices. By nourishing the body, moms can enhance their energy levels, vitality, and overall health, which positively impacts their ability to engage in everyday life. Improving each of these areas allows children to learn positive habits and creates long term enjoyment of whole foods and home cooked meals. 

This component encourages moms to align their actions, choices, boundaries and priorities with their authentic selves and values. It involves exploring personal goals, passions, and aspirations, and creating a life that reflects one's true desires. When moms are aligned with their authentic selves, they can show up more fully in their relationships and foster deeper connections.

This piece emphasizes the significance of nurturing and cultivating meaningful relationships. It involves developing effective communication skills, fostering emotional connection, and creating a supportive and loving environment. By cultivating connection, moms can strengthen their relationships with their spouse, children, and other loved ones, leading to greater harmony and fulfillment in their family life long term. 

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Overwhelmed, over committed, and not being true to myself - that was me! 

It wasn't so long ago that I was where you are now and I know what it feels like to want a calm house, well fed family and a solid relationship with my husband. 

Over the past 8 years, I have not only helped myself but also helped numerous other people achieve a calmer life too! 

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Kind words

Sara says:

"Joining the Mom's Authenticity Journey program was a game-changer for me. I was constantly overwhelmed with meal planning, and it left me feeling disconnected from myself and my family. The program provided me with practical strategies to simplify meals and create a harmonious routine. But it didn't stop there. Through the program, I discovered my true passions and aligned my goals with my values. I also learned how to communicate better with my spouse and reignite the spark in our relationship. Today, I feel more in control, fulfilled, and deeply connected to my family. This program has given me the tools and confidence to live authentically as a mom." 

Our Calm framework will help you overcome some of the biggest Mom struggles.

Choose your preferred method of learning and let's get started...

Calm my Week

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Calm my Life

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Choose What Works for you

Evaluating what works best for your learning preference will help you choose which program fits with your life! 

  • Your preferred learning style
  • Level of support needed
  • Availability and commitment

Work at Your Own Pace 

Each option has a unique cadence, to cater to varying learning styles and preferences. 

If you opt for the "Calm my Week" framework, you have the freedom to progress through this mini program at your own pace. You can take the time you need to absorb the material, reflect on the exercises, and implement the concepts into your life as you see fit. 

On the other hand, the "Calm my Life" 12-week program offers a guided experience with a structured curriculum delivered over a specific timeframe. This format provides a balanced approach, combining structure and personal support.  

For those seeking a more personalized and tailored experience, "Calm my Everything" 1:1 coaching is available. This option allows for individualized attention and support at your fingertips who will guide you through it! Together, you will explore all the components of the framework, adapt it to your unique circumstances, and receive personalized strategies and feedback along the way.  

No matter which option you choose, Mama Chaos Solved ensures that you learn all the different pieces of the framework. You will gain a deep understanding of the concepts, tools, and strategies that will empower you to live an authentic and fulfilling life. 

With each option, you have the opportunity to embark on a transformative journey, gaining valuable insights, and unlocking your true potential.

Why Now?

I understand that as a mom, you may be facing various challenges and seeking a more fulfilling and authentic life. It can be overwhelming to juggle multiple responsibilities, feel disconnected from your true self, and struggle to maintain harmonious relationships. But I want you to know that there is hope, and Mama Chaos Solved is designed to guide you towards a more vibrant and fulfilling life.

Imagine a life where you wake up each day with a deep sense of purpose and clarity. A life where you feel in tune with your values, passions, and aspirations. Through this program, you will embark on a transformative path of self-discovery, personal growth, and connection. You will gain the tools and insights to simplify your life, align with your true self, and nurture meaningful relationships within your family.

As your guide on this journey, I draw upon my own experiences and the knowledge I have gained. I have navigated the challenges of motherhood, felt the overwhelm, and yearned for a more authentic and fulfilling life. Through my own personal growth journey spending over $150,000 in resources I have discovered the power of aligning with my true self, cultivating connections, and simplifying my life. Now, I am here to share my wisdom, support, and guide you along the way.

I want you to envision a life where you have the confidence to make choices that align with your authentic self. A life where you communicate effectively, fostering deeper connections and understanding within your family. Picture yourself experiencing a greater sense of well-being, where self-care and mindfulness are integral parts of your daily routine. It is within your reach.

By joining the Mama Chaos Solved program, you will embark on a transformational process that will empower you to live a life you truly love. I will walk alongside you, providing the frameworks, strategies, and support you need to overcome obstacles and embrace your authentic self. Together, we will create a roadmap to guide you towards the fulfilling and joyful life you deserve.

Remember, I am not the hero of this story – you are. I am simply here to be your trusted guide, offering the tools, insights, and support to help you write your own narrative of authenticity, growth, and fulfillment. Let's embark on this transformative journey together and create the life you've always dreamed of.

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Calm my Day